Wednesday, December 27, 2006
My mom got my dad a Global Warming* Mug for Xmas
*...don't be ridiculous, global warming doesn't exist...
A Food Poisoning Christmas
Stop reading here if you're emetophobic...
We don't really know what caused it--could be the hummus or the spinach dip--but DB started feeling poorly in the afternoon of Xmas day. He said he just felt badly. He hit the sack at 8pm that night and felt fine by the time he left for work in the morning.
I didn't have to work on 12/26 (which is my half-birthday, btw), which I am so thankful for. I started feeling I-don't-think-I'm-going-to-throw-up-but-I'm-also-not-sure-I'm-NOT-going-to-throw-up-either around 9am on the day after Xmas. I thought maybe it was the beginnings of a migraine, but though Excedrin helped the headache, it didn't really do anything for the reversal of fortune feelings.
I spent the day at my parents' house and Nick came by to pick stuff up. He said he had had about a half-hour of maybe-I-will-maybe-I-won't on Xmas night, but that after that, he felt fine.
What's weird is that my sister and my parents weren't sick. My parents weren't with us on Xmas eve, but my sissy was, so explain that..
I, on the other hand, didn't feel better by dinner-time, so DB and I went home to our home. Over the course of the evening, I determined that I had won the blue ribbon for this year's poisoning competition. In addition to what I'm sure you can already guess, I had a 101F fever and a pain in my side and I didn't sleep last night. I feel better now, though.
For example, I am almost 100% sure I'm not going to throw up anymore.
Did I mention I'm at work today?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
It's getting on time for the annual parking of the lawn
So, if you know me well enough that you'd feel comfortable calling me on the phone [sorry, random web readers, this one is invite only], and you're going to be in town, email/call/comment me and let me know--I'll add you to the Evite!
Yes, it's time for more random parking on our grass (though not on our septic system), running around of kids (old and young alike), drinking, eating, and general merriment! Also available, Bobby R's famous karaoke roulette.
I believe this year we may not need to salt the driveway, however, we may need additional coolers, as the forecast is clear and not freezing cold.
I'm trying to figure out a few main cocktails to have in addition to the beer and whatever you all bring. Here are the top runners--let me know which 2 you like best...
1 part Tequila
1 part Apricot Brandy
2 parts lemon juice
1 part lychee juice (though I might skip this)
1/2 part Triple Sec
1/2 part Vodka
Top off w/ champagne
1 part pineapple juice
Purple Hooter
1/2 part Vodka
1 part raspberry liqueur
1/4 part lime juice
Pink Lady
1/2 part white Rum
1 part creme de cassis
Top w/ orange juice
1/2 part lemon juice
Monday, December 18, 2006
Perhaps Fratalian?
Alarm Clock Catastrophe is good too--gotta find a link for you...
Friday, December 15, 2006
I went to an actual Work Holiday Party yesterday!
Which is good, because at the table of 9 I sat at, 5 people had on blue shirts and tan pants. I was holding up the holiday dressing along with 2 of my red-sweatered friends and 1 darkgreen shirted loner and it was no small task.
As I told the grinches, they apparently got the Bank Audit memo, instead of the Holuiday Party memo. And, actually, it was an "offsite team building", if anyone asks.
Everybody got presents too! Mine were tall, red, v-shaped, stemmed glasses. A coworker of mine got a set of 4 stemmed cordial glasses (high-class shot glasses, he said), from which we promptly drank our Guinnesses in the bar after lunch. Mmm, beer in tiny little glasses...
It was really fun :) Yay HCY!
*No, not just a skirt
Friday, December 08, 2006
Clorox bleach pen--good.
Then I moved and brought the shirt with me.
Recently, for no reason other than it was hanging in the checkout lane while I was waiting (sucker), I bought a Clorox bleach pen. It sat at home for some time, not being used, until one day I dug the white shirt--oh, yeah, did I mention it was a new, white shirt?--out of my closet.
Since I was doing some cleaning out, it was either fix the shirt, dye it, or throw it out. I didn't have any dye at home, but I did have this bleach pen. Sure--putting bleach directly on fabric is usually a recipe for holes later down the line, but since I hadn't worn it in a few years and, as I said above, one of the other options was the garbage, I tried it.
I scribbled on each of the now-brown red wine stain that covered the arm of my shirt, left it alone for a while and then washed it with some other clothes that were bleach-safe.
Lo and behold--I am now again wearing my white long-sleeved shirt! Thanks Clorox Bleach Pen!
Did I also mention that it subsequently took bird poop off the front of a white tank top I have?
Well, it subsequently took bird poop off the front of a white tank top I have. So there you go.
Ask me how much it's going to cost to fix the sharkbite on my car? Go on, ask me..
$950 and someodd cents. I'm both surprised and not surprised. They have to replace a whole metal piece and the "spoiler" on the back, so I guess that's a lot of labor, but sheesh. Alomst $1000 to fix a dent and scrape.
Ah, well, might as well embark on replacing all the sheet metal on this car too. (Just kidding! By this time in my Zuzu, there had been at least 2 accidents!)
It looks like we're heading right for Wendy's!
Having lived in the Greater Chicagoland Metropolitan Area all my life, it never occurred to me that our method of providing gas and chow to highway travelers was unique. Having, say, a Wendy's or a Hardee's or a McDonald's suspended across a line of cars going 80 miles per hour seems perfectly normal to me.
That is, until people who haven't driven the IL tollways* point out the front window and say, "Oh my god! It looks like we're heading right for Wendy's! That's so weird!"
Uh, that's 'cause we are heading right for Wendy's.
I went to college in Kirksville, MO for a semester and made 2 very good friends while I was there. After I had left MO, they flew into Midway for a visit and I picked them up there. As we were driving home from Midway on I55, sure enough, we drove right under the Hinsdale Oasis (OMG, we're heading right for Wendy's!!!!)
This past Tuesday it happened again! We're driving along I90 and the Western Canadians were like, "What is that?!?" McDonald's and a gas station. "But it looks like it's above the road" It is above the road.
Yep, that's how we do things here in IL--when we say haute cuisine**, we mean it!
I find it so enjoyable that a hovering fast-food spaceship can entertain college students and grown people alike :)
The Chicago Wolves and a Canadian who had never been to a hockey game.
One of our 2 guests had never been to a hockey game?!? :O (I think the plans to revoke her Canadian membership card are already underway.)
It's not as crowded as a Hawks game, cheaper, and there's more yelling. Plus you can get really close seats, even at the last minute. Not enough fights to suit me, though, but really, are there ever?
I mean, I guess you'd have to like hockey, but it *was* really fun. And cold. So wear a jacket. And don't wear a miniskirt. Brrr.
Oh, and I'm writing a new book. So far I've got the title and the first line. It's going to be called: "Things That Rhyme When You're From British Columbia".
Like better and bitter.
Oh, Canadia, my home and native land...
The BP carwash took a bite out of my car :(

Saturday, after the big snow, I took my car over to be washed, just to get a layer of wax on it to defend against all the salt.
While I was slowly driving thru the during undercarriage part of the wash, the overhead door came down and took a chomp out of the back of my poor car. I have to say I'm quite surprised at how hard those doors come down!
I called the station owner and he was really nice and helpful and apologetic (I wasn't mad--sh*t, as they say, happens). I'm getting an estimate today and his insurance company will handle the rest.
Here's the picture...
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
I heart city driving
I say this without a trace of sarcasm. I really do like driving in the city--I like to take out my pent up aggression on the poor unsuspecting folk around me. Squishing my car into spaces that it doesn't rightly belong in, merging whether it's my turn or not, parallel parking, pulling out into heavy traffic with only a best-guess estimate as to whether there's enough space.
Now, when are we going to play whirlyball?*
FedEx customer service: 12/06/2006
Okay, I can help you with that. Is it Fedex freight or ground?
Oh...I don't know, I don't have the label with me. I guess that's the best thing to do, huh? Call when back when I'm looking at the label?
No, I can help you, just look at the label and tell me what it says on the bottom.
Yeah, I don't have the label with me--I don't know what it says. I'll just call back when I have it.
Oh, you don't have the label with you?
No, I'm at work and it's at home. I'll call back when I get it.
Well, do you know if it's freight or ground?
Nooo, I don't know. I'll just call back
Oh, yep, you're going to need the label. Just call back when you have it.
In her defense, she was super nice, but I felt a little like Abbott & Costello. NO! The label's pitching, FedEx freight is catching!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
I'm going to miss Mr. G
Her family is full-blown Italian (I felt conspicuously curly- and light-haired at the wake!). Her dad was a shorter, gruff-voiced man who taught her how to cook things like pasta fazool (mmm, real food in college!). There were pictures all over the place at the funeral hom (Rago Bros. on Irving Park) and I realized that her dad had looked exactly the same for, like, the past 30 years!
I'll never forget the first time I talked to him. I was a sophmore in college and had just received my new roomie's name in an envelope from the university. I nervously called to talk about what kinds of things to bring to school and she wasn't home, so I talked to her dad.
I now realize that he never did hear very well and the trouble I had on the phone was because of that, but after shouting and spelling my first name about 8 times, I got off the phone and thought, "Oh God--if she's like her dad, this is going to be a really long year!!"
Well, eventually I got to talk to her and she was almost completely normal! On move-in day--when she and Ryan H and I were talking in our dorm room--and we both stopped in the middle of the conversation to yell "Leo-nard Bern-stein!" along with the music, I knew things were going to be just fine.
I'm going to miss Mr. G. He raised a pretty good roomie :)
Friday, December 01, 2006
Gimme an S...
It could snow this much every week and I'd never get sick of it. People used to tell me I'd grow out of it, but I think I'm mostly done growing (god, I hope so!) and I still love it.
For the few readers who
1) aren't in the Midwest (I think I may have a Pennsylvania and possibly an Oregon) or
2) live under a rock where the Weather Channel does not beam satellite TV,
we've got a possibility of up to 12 inches of snow today.
It makes me fell all warm and fuzzy inside. Like brandy. Only I don't make that liquor face. Oh, and I can't get arrested for driving while snow-intoxicated.
Although based on what I saw this morning, the effects of snow or brandy on people's driving seem to be the same.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Downy fears me
Hi! I'm wondering something. I've always been under the impression that, when...
Discussion Thread---------------------------------------------------------------
Response (RightNow Administrator) - 11/28/2006 04:13 PM
Thanks for contacting us.There’s lots of information on our website we think you’ll find helpful. If you’ve already checked it thoroughly and still can’t find what you’re looking for, please call us using the toll-free number on our product packages. We're open Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM EST.Thanks again for writing.
P&G Team
Customer - 11/27/2006 11:25 AM
Hi! I'm wondering something. I've always been under the impression that, when using detergent and softener both, you're supposed to use that ball widget sothat the softener gets out during the final rinse cycle, BUT...Now that, for example, Tide, is sold with the Downy mixed in, do I now not needto use the ball? I mean, not that I haven't been doing it already (shhh), butsince the manufacturer (i.e. you) has now decided that the softener can be mixedwith the laundry detergent and get decent results, am I off the rinse cyclehook?You know, just wondering where I stand.
Auto-Response - 11/27/2006 11:25 AMTitle:
Static cling causes & preventionLink:
Title: Using with Tide Kick
Title: How much to use?
A bathroom question...
Here at HCY, the main ladies' room that I use has 8 stalls (I'm not exactly sure which). This morning, I stopped by Stall #4.
There's no one else in the bathroom. Just me.
A woman came in whilst I was in there and took Stall 3! *And she wasn't just stopping by, either!!
I just think that's weird. I mean, I know guys are really oogly about pole position ettiquette in their bathroom, but I generally don't think much about it in the ladies' room.
However, to sidle up next to me in an large and empty bathroom?
Monday, November 27, 2006
Avoiding jet lag.
I have not (that I recall), but I've been awake 40 hours. It was when I flew to Switzerland to visit my sister in May 1999. I left Chicago in the early evening hours (6pm?) and arrived in Switzerland around 11 am (4am CDT?).
I really though I was going to die from tired, but Meg wouldn't let me sleep. She dragged me around Geneve and also the little town she lived in (can't remember the name right now), on the train and off the train, over hill and dale, sightseeing, avoiding squishing the snails that inhabit the Swiss sidewalks like acorns.
There's a picture of me at about 36 hours. It's dreadful. I'll post it if I can find it.
Finally, we ate Swiss fondue for dinner and she let me go to sleep. I slept 12 hours, woke up in the morning and never though about jet lag a single minute more my whole trip.
So, apparently (and as trip advisors concur) the trick is to get yourself on the local schedule as soon as possible. Don't take a nap, no matter how wretched you look in your first-day, haven't-showered, vacation pictures.
Because, ahhh, there's nothing like having your picture taken on a lovely Swiss town hill with sailboats out on the lake...looking like hell...
Okay, so I emailed Downy.
Hi! I'm wondering something. I've always been under the impression that, when using detergent and softener both, you're supposed to use that ball widget so that the softener gets out during the final rinse cycle, BUT...
Now that, for example, Tide, is sold with the Downy mixed in, do I now not need to use the ball? I mean, not that I haven't been doing it already (shhh), but since the manufacturer (i.e. you) has now decided that the softener can be mixed with the laundry detergent and get decent results, am I off the rinse cycle hook?
You know, just wondering where I stand.
My Real First Name
Wanna know what I wanna know?
They now sell, say, Tide, with the Downy mixed in. So now do I not need the ball? Since the manufacturers have now decided that they can mix the soap and softener and still get good results, does that mean I can now add mine together (which I do anyway) and skip the ball thing entirely?
Hmmm. I'd like to know. Maybe I'll email Tide.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Google fun, Part 54
...managed to pinpoint exactly what it is about both Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 that annoy me so thoroughly
...over thirty years experience as president of the school
...more than 100 years of experience educating women to excel
...looked generously and hard at our common human world
...played a significant role in educational leadership
...a bad case of late-flight syndrome
My Real First Name wants... bad know be free
Friday, November 17, 2006
Big news on the China front!
We still have to do the guardianship form and other stuff, but it's progress!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
How to play Broom with your dog.
So, the next time your dog is bugging you to death, catch her eye and slowly walk to the closet where you keep your broom (you must have a broom to play this game, as playing _____ with your dog is not as much fun. A small table or stool can be substituted [as if you were a lion trainer], but, really, I recommend the broom. The first time or 2, she might not really get it, but she'll come around.
Like with little kids, it also helps to pretend to be a monster or some other scary thing. You know in horror movies how it's scarier when the creepy thing moves slowly or unnaturally? Like that.
At this point, your dog will either will have gone to sleep, will be interested in what you're doing, or will have continued to bug whomever is still sitting down. If your dog chooses options A or C, then, I'm sorry to say, you do not have a Broomdog.
But, for those of you with Broomdogs, slowly open the door to the broom closet, get the broom out and (as long as the dog is looking) peek it around the corner. In my house, this results in either fake growling or a playbow*, then a bunch of crazy racing around the living room like someone set her on fire.
Next, start walking across the kitchen back to the living room. Now, don't forget to be all creepy-like and do make sure to tap or zhuzh the broom on the floor as you go.
Once you get over by the dog, suddenly rush towards her with the broom, as if it were going to eat her. She'll probably race around trying to "get away".
At this point you can stop acting creepy and just chase her around. I like to press the broom to her tail and see how many times Ii can get her to race around in a really small circle. Also fun: trying to smash her feet with the bristles as she runs and using the evil broom to trap her in a corner.
After 5-10 minutes of Broom, your pup will probably lie down and sleep.
And that's all were looking for, really.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
And another thing girls...
So far, I love it!
For my female readership...
Allow me to begin by saying I am not generally a V.S. shopper. It's expensive and, for me, the cute bras don't fit and the ones that fit aren't cute. It must be that a sense of style and cuteness is only present if you wear a B, but, that's another raving for another time.
The other day I was in Vernon Hills for lunch and I wandered in, you know, just to torture myself. The last time I was in VS, a friend of mine was extolling the virtues of a particular line of underthings called Body by Victoria. She was in love.
So, since I was already in there and the scent of Love Spell was starting to work its magic, I was forced to pick out a pair of this very special underwear. The sales girls were shocked that I didn't want more than one pair and even when I mentioned that I wasn't even sure that I liked it and so didn't really want to fill my drawers and empty my pockets with underwear that I may end up hating as I had so many times before, they still were shocked. I think the underwear has gone to their brains.
I hate to admit it, as I am a bargain shopper, but Body by Victoria is the best underwear I've ever put on in my whole life. I'm partial to the 91% something/9% something else kind (some are more cottonish, some are less, I like the less), but they' are so cute and comfortable! I can personally recommend the boy short, but they've got all styles and sizes.
At 3 for $30, they're not cheap, but then cheap underwear is, well, cheap.
Old Navy underwear? I love it, but I'm tired of sewing the trim back on, yeah?
Monday, November 13, 2006
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The Princess Bride is on Bravo right now
Man I love this movie! ROUSes? I don't they exist.
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer
Friday, November 10, 2006
Did I ever mention how much I love surveys?
I am a survey chick.
Hey new readers!
*Mairzydoats just isn't the same without them
And another thing...
When I checked it, it was a posting ostensibly from someone who runs an online legwear store (whose name I can no longer remember, b/c I accidentally deleted the email). I'm fine with that--if I could remember the name, I'd probably go look.
What's weird is that I'm wondering, do people search Google looking for people who are unhappy with their current leg coverings? How did she find me?
Mairzydoats is on Google, and since I like skirts--and it's winter--I probably do spend more time thinking about leg coverings than the average girl, but still....
I occasionally have random visitors, from what I can tell, and I always wonder how they get here.
Are they Googling psycho cats? Parking lot confrontations? Free tampons? I just don't know.
*What's weirder, is that my email showed the comment, but it doesn't show here on mairzydoats. Hmmmm...
For the first time in my whole life today,
Sure, I've been called Mrs. Last Name by service folk of all varieties and Mrs. Last Initial jokingly by others DB knows, but this time it was different. It was by some who believed it.
A co-workers of mine has her kids here for a while today and when she introduced us, she called me Mrs. Last Name.
When I introduce myself to people here at work, I only use my first name. Kind of like Cher.
Or Liberace.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
What is it with tights?
None of them have truly worked so far. All I'm looking for is a pair of tights that:
1) Doesn't squeeze me so tightly around the waist that I end up looking like a balloon animal.
--I mean, yeah, I've got fat, I don't want to advertise it!
2) Doesn't roll down at the waist
-- There's nothing more alluring than watching a nicely dressed woman trying to pull up her stockings through her dress
3) Doesn't sag at the ankle
--Someday, if I am lucky to live so long, my ankles may sag on their own. No need to hasten the process, huh?
4) Has a crotch that goes all the way up to where it's supposed to be
--I don't even know what to say about this. AND--it's not just that the hose aren't long enough, because more often than not, the same pair that leaves the crotch dangling also has me tucking the waist band under my bra. So attractive.
My question is why-y can't tights be made in dress sizes? Or maybe 0-4, 6-10, 12-16. At least then one could have a reasonable assumption that they would fit.
Alas, I think I know the answer and I don't like it. Our mothers and grandmothers also knew the answer.
This is why God made girdles.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
I might let New Phone sleep on the bed tonight.
Honestly, it sounds fantastic! So, now I'll be ready to entertain myself while I'm waiting for stuff AND I'll be ready in case some spontaneous dancing breaks out!!!!!!!!!! Me miss dancing opportunity?
See, I would never do that. My dancing genes are a green belt.
Speaking of--we're going to Sundance (now located in Waukegan) tonight at 730 for anyone who wants to come. I'm wearing 1 of 2 spaghetti strap tops I've got, so just keep your eyes open for the girl who's freezing her *ss off. That will be me.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
In reflection,
I was going to submit my Amazing Non-Decaying Apple to Guinness.
I just noticed that the Affy tapple I bought in the cafe at lunch has a best by date of?
Oh no, I'm still going to eat it. Uh me some Affy Tapple.*
*I am currently listening to Solid Gold 1974. Do It Till You're Satisfied.
Make my funk the P funk.
Oh, now it's When Will I See You Again. 1974 was the shiznit.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Did I mention I have new friends?
It's true! I can get up, walk across the building, and actually run into someone I know well enough to shoot the breeze with. I can barely contain my glee!
Next task: Eating lunch with another HCY human being.
I have a feeling this mission will prove more difficult. Aside from my former area, it seems HCY employees are loath to leave their desks.
Must plan carefully...
Why can't it be "10 finger, 10 toes, tact"?
I was talking to one of my coworkers this morning and he was asking if the card had sound. I said yep, you missed a lot of the good stuff if you didn't turn your sound on. So he proceeds to say how he guesses that the card was sort of okay, but not really that big of a deal and how he's seen funner cards other places.
This is not my first experience with his lack of tact, but jeez! And it's not even like he's being a jerk--I really think he doesn't get it.
Part of being a member of polite society is not always offering up your unvarnished opinion of everything. It's not always about you and what you want!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tuesday October 31, 2006: A day of frustration.
Them: "Well, just bring your laptop and we can work on it while we're in there." (or varying other permutations of this same statement)
Me: "My PC is a desktop--I'd bring it, but I think it might be kind of heavy! ;)" (With the kidding mostly to defuse my growing frustration at having this same convo overandover)
Them: What!?!?! Really?? You're kidding!
So, since my desktop is heading slowly for the great computer lab in the sky, I brought up its eventual replacement with my boss. She said that when I started this job, she had requested a laptop for me, but they ended up just bringing my old PC along from my old area. She also said that when the time comes, to request a laptop.
So, today I talked to our admin to find out what to do when that time comes, and she said that she believes that people of my level can't get laptops--only managers and above.
Sighhhh. So they should post this somewhere so people stop acting shocked when I don't bring my laptop to a meeting. It's starting to get on my nerves (and honestly it's making me feel a little weird).
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!
Happy Halloween!
PS--Cover your speakers so the screaming doesn't scare your neighbors.
Monday, October 30, 2006
J.L. of Wauconda has requested a baby update...
Dave has now completed his medical form journey. I am mailing the forms to Rockford today, so that the homestudy can be finished and sent off to DCFS. We have one more form that needs to be picked up at the Dr's office for him, but it's not needed for the home study.
The 171H immigration form is applied for and received back (6 weeks)
The dossier gets put together and sent to Chicago for US and Chinese authentication (2 weeks?)
The dossier gets sent to China and is translated (2 weeks?)
We get a Log In Date (LID)
We wait. (13 months, currently)
Also, last weekend (not this one just past, but the one before that), Dave and I were in Madison WI for a mandatory so-you're-adopting conference put on by our agency.
Now, let me preface this report by stating (in my own defense, I think) that I have limited patience for other people explaining things to me. I am very patient when it comes to my explaining things to others--this bothers me not at all. However, for myself, I can't even stand to read the directions to a board game (this will not surprise my mother, Dave or any others who know me well).
So, the conference... Mostly, it was about 30 of us sitting in the church part of a United Church of Christ in Fitchburg WI, listening to a series of people talk from 830 am until 430 pm. Ugh.
Reasons why it was OK:
1) They had a pediatrician come in to talk about the varied and different issues internationally adopted kids have. He was cool and it was interesting. It was mostly stuff I have not read about already, which I like.
2) They had a pair of recent new parents come in to talk, and although I thought they were nambypambys, they had a few interesting things to say. Plus, their daughter was cute! She had learned American Sign Language (ASL) even though she wasn't deaf and she was signing away. So cute!
Reasons why I hated it:
1) I can't sit that long in one place
2) Except for the pediatrician and a little bit the parents had to say, I had already read every thing that was talked about online
3) Some of the other parents-to-be were sissies**
4) The presenters talked too slowly. If I'm going to be forced to rehear things, at least give it to me quickly, huh?
Anyway--it was required and now it's over! Yay!
We did get a chance to have dinner with my aunt/uncle/cousin who live up that way, so that was really nice :)
*that and world domination
Exhibit A: I couldn't find any organic formula in Hong Kong, wahhhhh!
Exhibit B: I don't travel well, wahhh!
Exhibit C: We never eat candy and that's all we could find to eat in the airport., wahhhh!
Exhibit D: The thing that worries me most about adopting is the travelling to China, wahhhh!
Fellow adopters, those things aren't even on my top 100 of things to worry about.
As is mentioned in one of my favorite comedy shows ever--No Cure For Cancer--I did think of buying each of my compatriots a copy of Dr. Denis Leary's book: Shut the F*ck Up.
"he just told me to shut the f* up and I felt much better about myself. it was amazing"
Something that would not surprise Dave:
You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.
Like I just told Meg, I think this mostly has to do with vengence and wishing harm on others. And enjoying setting things on fire. Picking evil over stupid, fistfights, prank phone calls. Killing bugs, breaking the law. And shooting a gun (well, in my defense, they didn't specify where or how). Oh, world domination. Let's see, what else?
But not so much on the vandalism and illegal downloads, though. You know, so there's still time.
Friday, October 27, 2006
E.L.O is my new boyfriend
ELO's greatest hits--a good Xmas present for people who don't hate them.
So, everyone except communists.
*I was walking and talking with a friend of mine once about dogs and what different kinds of dogs looked like. I mentioned that I really liked German Shorthaired Pointers, but was having a hard time successfully describing what they looked like. Five minutes later, one ran past.
Hence, anytime something happens right after you were just talking about it? --> German Shorthaired Pointer.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Guess where i am?
I'm in the bathtub! Yay mobile posting! (Although maybe not for you...) Anyway, it's snowing again- Yay snow!
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer
Monday, October 16, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
York Theatre (Elmhurst, IL), Theatre Visit #2
The York Theatre is beautiful and a lot bigger than I expected. I guess being used to the Woodstock, I expected it to be smaller. The screen where we saw our movie (see the Jack*ss 2 review) is the second picture down on the left in the link below (the pic with the organ). It was huge!**
The theatre is on a street that has a bunch of little old shops and streetlights, so, again, the ambience is old-timey and nice :)
It's funny--the whole place smelled like both popcorn and my paternal Grandma's house (which did not smell like popcorn). It was so nice and comforting, even though I don't know exactly what it was that made it smell like Grandma's.
(As opposed to my maternal Grandma's house, which smelled like roast beast. Mmmmm.)
Which one will we visit next? Will it be St. Charles, Carpentersville, Elk Grove Village, Fox Lake, Oak Park, Freeport, Kankakee, Naperville, or Downers Grove?
Only I know. Moohoo-hahahah!
**I may have forgotten to mention in my Jack*ss 2 review, the guy who barfed on the floor--twice--during the showing. Maybe he was drunk, maybe he had a weak stomach? The part of the film during which he hurled really wasn't gross (offensive, maybe, but not gross), so maybe it was the demon rum? Who knows... I'm just glad that the room was big enough for him not to be right next to us. Yuck.
Woodstock Theatre (Woodstock, IL), Theatre Visit #1
It's a 3 or 4 screen theater (4, I think) with a petite lobby full of popcorn(!) and an old-fashioned outside ticket booth. It's located on the beautiful Woodstock Square, which really lends itself to the old-timey illusion. The theatre is also featured in the movie Groundhog Day, which was filmed almost entirely on the Square (the place where the groundhog comes out? Woodstock Square).-->
There are a bunch of great restaurants nearby, including the Public House right next door (non-smoking, bonus!), plus a Starbucks and DQ within walking distance.
I thoroughly enjoy any visit I make to CC's Woodstock Theatre!
(I'll post a picture the next time I drive by!)
Embarking on a brand new quest: Classic Cinemas
Currently there are 11 theaters in their collection and most have that old marquee look--they're really neat! The have gift certificates called Reel Money available, which I think is so cute!
I've decided that Dave and my new hobby is going to be visiting all 11 of the grand old ladies (or gentlemen?).
Two down, 9 to go!
NewPhone is desparately trying to curry my favor...
Cool feature1:
It has a D-Day counter. You put in the event and date, and NewPhone counts down (and displays on-screen, if you like) the number of days "until". 18 days til Halloween!
It's a little weird/creepy that they actually call it a "D" day counter, but...
Cool feature 2:
MusicID. You're listening to the radio or a commercial or a band in the park. You hear a song/piece of music you like, but can't identify it. You can record a snippet of it with your phone and send it to MusicID via your phone, and MusicID will identify it and text you back the name.
That is the coolest thing ever! If it works as well as it seems (and if it doens't cost an arm and a leg), it might be even cooler than the internet itself!!
You might be trying to get on my good side, NewPhone, but one of these features is having the best. week. ever.
Kidnapping is bad.
It didn't bother me--I'm immodest, it wouldn't have bothered me to share a bathroom with a grown man--but I was a little amused and a little saddened.
It was funny to see the mom's expression as she wheeled her son through the room, but the reason that she felt the need to do so is sad commentary on our childrens' safety.
Might a 9 year-old boy be kidnapped or molested in a movie theater? Yep. And that's really sad.
I once ran into a man in Gurnee Mills who looked like he was trying to make the same decision about his little girl (5-6 years old?). I said I'd keep an eye on her in the ladies' room and he took me up on the offer.
I did say that I'd give him my driver's license while his daughter was in the washroom with me, but he declined. I figured it was a fairer trade--he'd want his daughter back in one piece and I'd want my ID.
I don't think I would have declined my offer, if the situation had been reversed.
I heart this blog from anywhere stuff.
I'm on my cell right now!
Mobile Email from a Cingular Wireless Customer
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Ack! It works!

I've recently learned that I can blog via email and cell phone!
YAY SNOW!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I'm going to marry Radio Shack and eBay too.
It's not that RS is the first place I stop--it's really expensive--but, if you can't find it at RS, it doesn't exist. If the video-game-playing technowizards they've got working there can't dig it up out of their collection of obscure catalogs (or fish it out of their online morass of electronic widgets), it simply hasn't been invented yet.
(Just don't look directly at them, ladies, they get flustered).
My most recent purchase there was a car cell phone charger that doesn't require one to buy an entirely new charger when one gets a new phone (fortuitously, in my case). You just get a new nubbin adapter. And where else have I seen this cool gadget? Uh, nowhere?
Speaking of the specter of accessory-buying that I may have to do if I wish to use all the features of my red-headed stepchild phone, I will never again buy an electronic accessory from a real store (except, of course, RS if I can't find it anywhere else).
I am an Ebay cell phone accessory convert. The "holster" I bought for OldPhone? $16, because they said that no one else sold one for that phone (at the time. liars, I'm sure). An OldPhone extra home charger at the Cingular store (which I refused to buy)? $29.
A rapid car charger, rapid home charger, and case on eBay? Buy It Now for $2.46
I have learned the error of my ways.
NewPhone is here.
All right, I suppose it's a perfectly good phone, except for these things:
1) Even while I was picking this phone, I was feeling like I should pick the other phone. Always do what you think you should do.
2) It's an mp3 player, but in order to use it, you have to buy the memory card and usb cable. Not surprising, but sucky.
3) When I send a text message, I get a confirmation tone. I can't turn it off and it annoys me.
Maybe it'll grow on me.
But I doubt it.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Llama llamas taste like llama...
Friday, October 06, 2006
More Google fun!
Then hit enter.
[My real first name] needs... mind her own business
...written and oral communication skills, too. be given medication throughout the day
...a huge break into the publishing business finish her doctorate and make scads of money
...a new facility specifically designed for continuing education
I'm going to marry Google.
NewPhone did, indeed, fall thru the cracks.
I am wheel, hear me squeak.
Llama, llama, duck.
It's PG, but beware your sound volume. It's stuck in my head and I can't even remember the words!
Today is my 5th annivarsary!
Cute pictures of animals!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
My new phone (should it ever show up)...
I really wanted the Pantech C300-->, but it would have been a downgrade from what I'm turning in (-->, and that just doesn't make good financial sense. NewPhone does have an mp3 player, so that'll be something new and different to fool around with.
I've been really happy with Cingular's customer service (I think between my woes and switching my parents' cell plans, I've called them every day for 2 weeks now). I'd recommend them.
Maybe I can find a Pantech cheap on ebay and just have 2 cell phones. I don't have enough to do without having 2 cell phones...
Interesting image labeling game
Apparently, Google uses any labels you 2 agree on to fill out its image search engine, but I just think it's fun!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Movie Review: Jack*ss 2
As a disclaimer, it depends on what you find funny. I thought the crashing-into-things parts(particularly the skateboard gauntlet and anything involving the lake) and the pranks they pull on each other are the best. The injuring-themselves-on-purpose (like any piercings) and scatological parts? Not so funny. (I covered my eyes at one point)
Cute Persons to look at (0-5): 2. Depends on your preferences and whether you can separate someone potential cuteness from the twisted things they're doing to themselves, but I, personally, think Bam Margera is cute. Well, maybe pretty, rather than cute, but worth a look. I actually think he might have eyeliner on...
There are no chicks in the movie--cute or otherwise. Sorry, guys.
A Satisfying Ending (0-5): N/A. As much as a lot of people wish there were an ending to Jack*ss (ha ha), it's not the kind of film that has one. Although at one point, Bam does pray that there's not a Jack*ss 3.
Action/ adventureness (0-5): 3. Lots of action, not much adventure. But not the same kind of action as, say, a pirate movie. ...for example...
Love storyness (0-5): 0. I don't think anyone is expecting a love story. Unless you consider thinly veiled post-adolescent homophilia a love story.
Good Scaryness (0-5, optional): NA. You might cover your eyes, as I did, but it's not scary.
Kissing (1-5): 0. There's not any kissing. And if there was any kissing I've forgotten about, I'd like to let it stay that way.
Cinematography/Special effects (0-5): 0. There aren't any special effects. Everything you see is, unfortunately, real.
Laughs (1-5): 4. I don't even know how to grade this one. Did I laugh out loud more than almost any other movie I've see this year? Yeeah. Am I embarrassed about it? A little. So if I count only the fact of laughter and that as defined by the disclaimer above, there are a lot of laughs. *shameful, shameful laughs
Extra Credit (10 points): 1. It's lowbrow and disgusting, but I laughed. A lot. (At the parts that didn't horrify me)
Total: 10/30.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
How do I hate thee, Motorola Razr, let me count the ways...
2) The second one sounded like it had sand in the flip and had a huge dark spot on the screen. I complained and they replaced it
3) The third, and current, one accesses the internet all day and all night. In addition to that special feature, it also turns itself off randomly. When I go to turn it back on, it gives me an error message that requires me to disassemble/reassemble the battery and SIM card just to get it to work. This really great when I'm in a hurry or when my nails are painted.
So today I called Cingular to complain again and talked to Ashley about my woes. She said that since I've had so many problems, they will replace my phone with a different kind. She said she'd be right back.
Suddenly a very rude guy comes on the line and starts in on all the troubleshooting crap I went thru in July/August when I first called. I gently interrupted to explain my problem (so as not to waste our time) and he just behaved in a very ass-like manner. Skip, skip, skip, I asked him what standard procedure was in a situation like mine and he said they would send whatever they had in stock.
Uh, so I carefully and happily picked out my Razr in December and now I'm supposed to be satisfied with whatever piece of sh*t phone you feel like sending me? I've generally been happy with Cingular's service, so I was really surprised to encounter this guy.
I asked if I can figure out what I want phone I might like and call them back, which was fine with assboy.
So now I've got to figure that out. Grrrrrrrrr.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
White and Nerdy
Check out Donny Osmond dancing like an idiot in the background--hilarious!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Did you know...
Other times I like to think I'm furthering the spread of information into the superiorly-intelligent minds of my willing readers.
You know, just depends on the the day.
VPL and I don't mean the Vancouver Public Library.
So, on to the topic. I'm really not terribly concerned about VPL. If your thoughts are so consumed about the fact that you can see that I am--in fact--wearing underwear, then maybe you could use a hobby. Because most people do--in fact--wear underwear!
I KNOW! I could hardly believe it either. Boy, those E! shows and US magazine really have us fooled. I mean seriously, who wants to be embarrassed by having a total stranger look at the rear side of your gray sweatpants at 1030 pm at Meijer while you're buying formula or maybe eggs and think, "ewww, she's wearing underwear".
Doesn't every woman put on a thong when she's running out in her Kohl's-on-sale reversible jogging pants and Adidas flip-flops from college? You never know who might be in La Azteca when you run out for a gallon of milk and a can of frijoles negros!
Speaking of thongs, I hate them. I know, lots of girls I know think they're great, but they're not. These women are lying to make themselves feel better. I've tried all sizes and styles and fabrics. They're fine when you're standing still, but you let me know how things are after picking up something you've dropped on the floor. See, told you so.
I do, however, own 3 pairs of pants and 1 dress that objectively do benefit from a lack of VPL. It's just the way they're designed--the VPL is really noticeable. But I have found a solution to the problem, it seems!
Boy-cut drawers! Yes, even if you're not a skinny, straight-hipped wonder. They're not much to look at when they're on, but they serve the purpose and they're comfortable. Hanes makes a microfiber boy-cut that doesn't suck!
There, there's my Public Service Announcement for today.
**This site has apparently hypnotized certain men I know
I'm pleased to report that a Toyota 4Runner *can* survive...
Yes, that's right dear readers, although I did not plan to test the trailworthy-ness of my semibeloved machine**, I am happy to say that it seems to have some through the gauntlet with flying colors.
Ah yes, Friday afternoon, driving home in the beautiful sunshine, singing along with my eclectic drive partners, The Dixie Chicks and Fatboy Slim, windows and sunroof open...(cue impending music of doom...da-dum...da-dum...dumdumdumdum***)
What a beautiful day! I got home, pulled into the driveway, closed my windows and went in the house...da-dum. Friday night we got some good rain--happy trees, happy birds. Saturday morning, we did laundry and lounged about; then, Sat afternoon and evening, we had a baptism and dinner in Arlington Heights and then Chicago.
BOY--the rainstorm that came through while we were at my cousin's house was amazing--flooded streets, bent trees...da-dum
So, we came home that night and a little more rain came through. I really am happy to have all the rain--maybe my trees/flowers will come back stronger next year [I lost 2 rose bushes this year--Peace and Mr. Lincoln. The prettiest ones, of course :( ]
Anyway--Sun morning, Dave got ready to leave for a business trip to Nashville and I got ready to go amuse myself at the outlet mall in Huntley. Thought I might stop by the Gap outlet--too bad the Levi's outlet is gone ('cause I need more jeans like I need a hole in my head). I wish they had one of those faux purse places down there...
I digress.
dumdum, dumdum, dumdum, dumdum
I went out to get in my car only to find that, although I had closed all the vertical windows in the car, I had neglected to close the fully-open sunroof!
Everything was soaked. The water hadn't even begun to dry. The leather seats (because, of course, in my old car, which did not have leather seats, I never left the windows open for 2 days of rain) were soaked and spotted. The cupholders, gaskets around the trans-shifter and 4 wheel drive shifter, rear ashtray, and change holder? Full of water. Carpets and headliner? Soaked. In fact, as I drove, water kept running out of the weatherstripping between the headliner and window on the driver's side. It was totally great.
I mopped up what I could, found a towel to sit on, and went off to the mall. Somehow, between the mopping, leaving the windows open while driving and parked in the sun yesterday, and then spending the night with all windows open in the garage last night, my baby seems to have survived with no permanent injuries.
But I wouldn't recommend it.
** My red car is growing on me. My old Zuzu and I had a lot of fun together. So far, Red Car and I have driven back and forth to work. However, now 1 trip up to my aunt and uncle's house and now the monsoon are helping us to forge a better relationship. These things take time...
***That IM of D of getting a workout lately. ...maybe it's me...?
Friday, September 22, 2006
A list of my favorite songs...
Copacabana (now I just have to learn to dance)
So what do you think of the MySpace site?
You should be able to leave comments here without registering. If that's not the case, someone let me know and I'll look at my settings again.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
My Space-->
My SpaceBlog-->
Oh Ca-NA-DI-a, our home and native land!
(Which would make singing their national anthem even more enjoyable, really. Oh Ca-NA-DI-a, our home and native land...)
Sometimes I think it would have been nice to have been born a Canadan. They have so much open space up there. More room for people and animals...lakes and rivers...cabins...........parking lots...strip malls...sea-of-rooves housing know, all the stuff that makes life good. Uh huh.
I think the next time someone asks me what nationality I am, I'm going to sayAmerician.
Time flies
And if David and I had been able to have a baby when we first wanted to, that baby would would be 4 years old now. Time really does fly.
China Update, Part 17
We've been hearing some bad rumors about the China program lately, such as they're going to institute a weight restriction, they're going to disallow people taking certain drugs (such as blood pressure or depression meds), and also disallow those with certain conditions (diabetes or the wheelchair-bound). Also, we've heard that the wait time is going up. Boo.
The social worker says that they're all just rumors at this point, but also that any changes that have ever happened to the system started out as rumors.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Does anyone remember what Pirates of the Caribbean 2 was rated?
It was rated ARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy national Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Today is the first Sock Day of the 2006 fall season!
Yay Fall!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Things that are much better than their similar or brand name counterparts:
OPI nail polish
Kraft Mac and Cheese
I just dropped a french fry...
Uhh, why weren't we doing this already?
So there are new rules for airline screening. These new rules mean that cargo presented to a carrier (like FedEx) that is put on passnger planes has to screened for explosives jsut like passenger luggage.
UM--so currently half the cargo on a plane isn't screened??? Why have terrorists bothered trying to slip past airport sceurity devices when they apparently just had to box up their explosive cookies and send them to Grandma in the cargo hold????
I don't get it.
White T-shirts are, what $12.99 for a 3-pack?
A guy I work with here at HCY is about to go into an interview with one of our auditing bodies (ie, if we don't pass audits, we don't sell things). From the front: sedate, classic white dress shirt, dark pants. From the back? Free Gas Friday!
Dude, YOUR SHIRT IS WHITE! Do you think we can't see the FGF? This is the reason women don't wear red bras underneath white shirts! (Otherwise, that's all we'd ever wear, of course)
Seriously, if I were an employer and my employee didn't have enough sense not to wear a graphic-t under dress clothes, I'd wonder what else they didn't have enough sense for.
A certain BIL of mine knew a guy who showed up to a very important affair with his good shoes and suit. When he took off his jacket: Harley Davidson!
"...uh, yes sir, that's is true, i don't have the camouflage sense God gave newborn deer..."
Don't try the laundry excuse, either, because Meijer is open all night. I'm just not having it.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Grammar Police: The fazes of the moon
I KNOW, right? As a English-mangling public, we can hardly believe it...
Here it the difference:
"The moon has 4 phases: new, waxing, full, and waning."
"I don't know why Charlotte isn't sleeping, maybe it's a phase she's going through."**
"Women going topless at our honeymoon resort? It really didn't faze me"
"Charlotte was unfazed by her parents' efforts to get her to sleep at night"**
There, now we can all act superior-like when it comes to grammar. * we don't already... ;)
** Sleeping at night? See, that's just ridiculous...
So Blogspot is moving to Google
The only potential problem with that is that Google says outright that it uses your non-identifying info to do whatever it wants. Whether it's truly non-ID, who knows?
So, my other option is switching over to my MySpace space/blog, which I currently don't use.
Haven't decided what to do yet, but don't worry, I'll leave a trail of breadcrumbs :)
Single-handedly saving us from our grammar selves!
Ah, the lowly "t". It's amazing how this simple letter can make the difference between a closely followed plan and a division of armed militia.
So, the next time General You start a new diet regiment, do let me know, as I will be very curious to hear how that works out for you.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Speaking of meat...
I am well aware that I like beef more well done than the average American. This is not to say I haven't found many other people (mostly women) who share my doneness preference, but I've acquiesed that my desire for "brown on the inside, maybe a little black on the outside" isn't the standard.
So, knowing this, when beef is served at a formal dinner, I am prepared for the inevitable Medium, instead of Medium Well or--even better--Well Done, that I truly hope for.
Which brings me to my point.
I've been to a few formal affairs over the past 6 months (including my recent trip to The Breakers) and every single event that has served beef, has served it Rare!!!!!!! Totally Rare!!Not sneaking up on Medium, but red, not-hot, and wiggly. Wiggly!!
Wiggly to the point where, when I go to surreptitiously cut off the more done parts, I am foiled by the shimmy-shimmy-shake-shake of my meat.* but that's another story
Yes, people do like Rare, but I daresay not most people. I know--beef takes a while to cook--but there's just no point to even serving, it if the majority of people are going to leave their little mooing scraps on their plates (and order room service when they get back to their rooms).
Big fancy hotels like the Breakers with at least half the dinners not eaten due to doneness problems. It's just a shame.
I'm back from Florida
I do think that they're impressed with themselves--more so than other resort we've been to for the same meeting. This is in part evidenced by the $9 bowls of soup; $13.50 glasses of wine; and a lunch I had that was a tuna salad sandwich plus a glass of iced tea. The bill was $27.
We got to bed at 1230am this morning after our flight was delayed for 3 hours. I'm sooo tired...
Thursday, August 31, 2006
A fistful of spoons
(I keep plasticware at my desk so I don't have to carry it back every time.)
As I walked, a guy came up fast behind me and passed me, whistling and singing a song as he went. What was he singing?
I love people :)
He was, however, one of those tiny-waisted men, which I find weird. If I were a guy with a tiny waist, I'd gain some weight to disguise the weirdness. If I were one of those large-rear guys, well, I just don't know what I'd do.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Movie Review: Snakes on a Plane
Cute Persons to look at (1-5): 1.5. Well--there's a miscellaneous surfer dude and a miscellaneous blonde stewardess. Plus Juliana Margulies and Samuel Jackson each have a bit of charm to them, but this movie is not about good looks. It's about snakes.
A Satisfying Ending (1-5): 5. Rarely do I get to see a movie where it's all wrapped up at the end! After all, there's not much left to talk about once the Snakes Are Not On The Plane.
Action/ adventureness (1-5): 3. You have to accept what you're watching with this movie. It's Snakes on a Plane.
It's a premature cult classic (and by cult classic, I mean a movie that really isn't that thrilling or well made, but the more you watch it, the more you are entranced by its not-that-good-ness. Its mystique is enhanced by repeated watchings with your friends where you all laugh hysterically at things that aren't really all that funny. And you know all the lines. Like The Rocky Horror Picture Show or The Princess Bride or Napoleon Dynamite or Caddyshack.)
Anyway--there was action/adventureness, and as long as you can accept that it was Snakes. On. A. Plane. , it was pretty enjoyable
Love storyness (1-5): 1. There was a little surfer dude/stewardess thing and a little other main characters thing (including a great sly grin from SJ), but again, S.O.A.P. This movie is very focused on its goal.
Good Scaryness (1-5, optional): 1. There were a few good scenes that make you jump, but it's not really scary. Unless you are afraid to board a screaming tube of aluminum death* (this would be the Plane part)--score of 4 in that case. Or you're snakeophobic (the Snakes part)--score of 5.
Kissing (1-5): 1. Honestly, I don't think there was any kissing. I know, right? And I don't think I would have missed that part, because, really, that's the best part of any movie.
Cinematography/ Special effects (1-5): 3. There were a lot of effects, but they weren't very good. Not not-enjoyable, just not good. Although the Plane effects were very good in comparison to the Snake ones.
Laughs (1-5): 3. Good laughs. Sometimes you're laughing with it, sometimes you're laughing at it, but they're there. They are there.
Extra Credit (10 points): 5. In spite of myself, I liked it. It's no masterpiece, but I liked it.
Total: 23.5 out of 45. As they say, it is what it is. It's Snakes On A Plane. I would even go see it again.
*Courtesy B.I.L.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Great--*now* what's she going to serve us??!?!
Now Pluto's not a planet anymore. Crap! A whole life's worth of pneumonic education down the tubes.
At least KingdonPhylumClassOrderFamilyGenusSpecies still holds true. For now...
Monday, August 21, 2006
I love stuff like this!!!
I think that's why I'm lovin'! Basically, you have a book you no longer want. You go to BC and get your book a Book Crossing ID number (BCID), which you record in the book, along with the BC website. Then, you set your book free into the wild!
Leave it at a coffee shop, or on a park bench, or on the shelf at Jewel, or at the train station. Where ever you like. The next person to find your book can look it up and see where it's been.
It's sounds so fun--and since we've got a high excess of book at my house, I can't wait to try!
There's also, which is the same thing, only with dollar bills.
China Update: Part 97
Dave making (and keeping) a Dr appt
Sending off Dave's medical paperwork
Dave going to the post office to send off his passport application
Dave calling the sheriff to see what's involved in getting a background check
Is it even possible to have a headache for 5 days?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Today I had to exercise the 3 Outfit Rule.
I found that I would be trying to find something to wear out or to work and would end up with the entire contents of my closet thrown all over my bed. Now, this didn't mean that I did find something good to wear, it just meant that when I came home I would either have to:
A) Hang it all back up before going to bed (right...)
B) Pile it up on my rocking chair or (if I had been at Sundance)
C) Shove it all on to the floor and fall asleep
I eventually got tired of it, and so began: The 3 Outfit Rule. The guidelines are really pretty simple. I allow myself to pull 3 seperate outfits' worth of clothes out of my closet (ie, 3 tops and 3 bottoms).
At that point, even if I hate everything that's on the bed, I must make today outfit from what's already out. Otherwise I get frustrated and just keep yanking things out of the closet, and really, what's the point in that?
Today my choices were:
Tops: White linen shirt/raspberry tank top, black shirt, and periwinkle shirt
Bottoms: Black pants, khaki skirt, and Giant Cherry Pants(!)
Unfortunately, I didn't decide I hated anything until I had ironed 4 of the 6 above items. (though I do love ironing). I eventually went with the periwinkle shirt and khaki skirt.
Those were the only ones I didn't want to rip off in anger and stomp on.
Everything else? Lying on my bed, of course.
What is it with people?
I know they're seeing my missives, they're just ignoring them. It's like ignoring the IRS! These people should know better. These people make a lot more money than I do. They have offices with doors. *sigh...doors... Sometimes you have to trade some things for others. Your boss's boss knowing your name for adoption assistance. Doors for trouble-free health insurance. Life's all about decisions.
So, I eventually schedule a meeting via email for us to sit together, which is usually accepted, because their assistants run their calendars and the admins don't ignore stuff.
Invariably, the meeting starts, I ask my questions, they give me the answers, and the whole thing is done in 10 minutes. Then the object of my work affection says, "Boy, we really didn't have to meet to do that, it didn't take very long!"
You're g-d right we didn't have to meet, you jerk! You've been ignoring me for 2 weeks! We coould have done this over the phone! It's not like I'm going to go away, it's my job to track you down and force you to give me an answer. Arrrrghhhhhhh!
Audit Findings--> Basically, the FDA or another auditing body comes in and pokes around our stuff. When they find something they don't like, they write down an audit observation (or finding). We then have to fix that and provide proof of the fixing. The observations I'm working on are from 2004 and 2005 audits by a particular auditing body. This body is coming back this fall and is going to be right pissed off to find that stuff from 2 years ago isn't done.
But, it's not going to be my tail in the audit chair answering "why". That honor is reserved for the non-phone-answerers. And I tell them this in every email, voice mail, and meeting. I just don't think they're listening...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Our niecey has hit the 8 pound mark!
...well, I declare, this 5-8 pounds sundress is just falling off me...
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Message in a Bottle?
I haven't seen a message floating in the water yet, but I'm watchin'...
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
So I mailed a big chunk of paperwork to the CW
Dave still has to:
Make a Dr appt
Keep that Dr appt
Call the sheriff about the background check
Fill out and mail his passport application
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Movie Review: Pirates 2 (aka less knee slapping, more arrrghhh.)
If you think Johnny Depp is cute, then also yes. I, for some reason, only think he's cute as Captain Jack Sparrow (maybe it's the eyeliner?), so it works for me.
Also, I don't think I have a large guy readership, but for any guy readers, Keira Knightley. All guys like her, it seems.
A satisfying ending (1-5): 2. We all know there's going to be another movie, so then ending is left purposefully hanging. Not hanging in a oh-I-can't-wait-to-see-the-next-movie way, but in a well-I-heard-there-was-another-one-in-the-works way.
Action/ adventureness (1-5): 3. Pretty good action adventure. The pirate stuff was good (heavily borrowed from Errol Flynn, but there's no shame in borrowing from a pirate master). The C.G. stuff? Eh. I wasn't that impressed, although it was well done. It's just, I went to a pirate movie to see, well, pirate-y stuff.
Love storyness (1-5): 2. There was the same Elizabeth Swan/Will Turner love story from Pirates 1, but this time with a little something different.
Good Scaryness (1-5, optional): N/A. Not scary, except the CG might be scary for little kids.
Kissing (1-5): 3. There was kissing, but it's not who you think. It was a much better choice, however, a mon avis.
Once again, I would have gone with more making out. But that's just me.
Cinematography/ Special effects (1-5): 4. The CG was good, even though I didn't like it. The pirate cinematography was well done.
Laughs (1-5): 2. Some good laughs, but a little too much slapstick, a little too little tongue-in-cheek
Extra Credit (10 points): -2. I found myself wishing for less Leslie Nielsen, more Errol Flynn
Total: 17 out of 45. Didn't really like it, except for Captain Jack and the swashbuckling scenes. The first was much better.
In other words, next time? Less knee slapping, more arrrghhh.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Oh, I had so much fun on Saturday!
What I had forgotten was that I knew a bunch of her friends, and her cousin-in-law, and her brother, and her other cousin and her husband, and another of her cousins (who has been to our house), oh, and that cousin's wife (whom I didn't think I knew, but it turns out we went to grade school together in a completely different town)!
It was so fun! We danced and drank vodka cranberry (well, I did, but whatever) and danced. Sigh, I miss dancing.
The girl I went to school with said she recognized me across the church. So, apparently I haven't changed in 20 years. I still haven't decided whether that means I look youngish now, or that I looked oldish then. Hmmmm...
Friday, August 04, 2006
China, part 73...
Monday, July 31, 2006
The latest on China, Part 72..
Dave has to make and go to a doctor's appointment
Dave has to pick up his doctor's paperwork
Dave has to call the sheriff to get background check for us
Dave has to submit his passport application
Dave has to get a bunch of paperwork notarized
I have to get the same bunch of paperwork notarized
I have to get my passport back from the government
I have to send a bunch of stuff to the CW
So, we get all the stuff to the CW, she finishes our home study, we send a whole pile of paperwork (including the home study) to the government and receive an I171H in return. We take the I171H, along with a bunch of paperwork that didn't go to the CW and bring it downtown to get it stamped, then take it to the Chinese consulate down the street to get it stamped again. Then the whole pile goes to China and we get a date (LID) in return.
Then we wait.
It wouldn't be the first time I've driven home without pants
Along with Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, Lionel Richie, Glenn Miller, The Archies, and Floyd Cramer. I'm, uh, a little eclectic in my music tastes.
It was a really busy weekend for us! Memorial service at 10, baptism at 1 in the same church, 2pm birthday party (that we arrived to late), and then Dave had a concert at night. All of which were attended in the lovely 368 degrees Kelvin heat.
Luckily, the birthday party house had a pool. Unluckily, I didn't bring my suit. I thought of going in in my clothes, but I didn't.
Should have.
It wouldn't be the first time I've driven home without pants. Which isn't how it sounds (ah ze swimming eet ees irresistable). Now the red carpet on the ceiling of that house on Grandview, that was really something, but that's another story for another time.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
PSA for Citibank customers
I have both a Citibank credit card and a Citimortgage. Plus, I've had Citicards in the past. I feel I can, therefore, say that Citibank is the worst offender I've ever known for sending jobs overseas and then pretending they didn't.
Like today, for instance (and this experience is only the most recent in a long line of similar events), I call and after the button pushing was over, a customer service rep comes on the line--Glenn, he said his name was.
Immediately, I can tell that it's the same old Citibank story. A person comes on the line and the English they speak sounds like those computers that turn text into speech--all stilted and such.
I find it infuriating!!!!!!! If a company is going to ship the call center overseas, at least have the b*lls to admit it. Your name is not freaking Glenn! No one with that heavy an accent is named Glenn freaking anywhere in the world! Your stilted, fake, and unsuccessful voice coaching does not fool me!
Here is an example of the many conversations I have had with Citibank Bangalore or where ever it is:
"This is [fake] Susan, how may I help you?"
"Hi, I have a question about payments made on my account"
"What is your question?"
"I received a call that you had not received my payment, but the money has been withdrawn from my account, and it also shows paid on your website. Will you tell me what your records show for this payment?"
"This is [fake] Susan, how may I help you?"
You can understand my frustration. So--at one point last winter, when I had finally gotten someone who was a practiced English speaker (and had a Midwestern accent) I snapped, and ranted and raved about how much I hated Citibank Bangalore.
She told me that there are 2 call centers over in (I can't remember where she said, so I'm calling it Bangalore) and one in Kansas City, MO. She said that which one your call gets routed to is random chance , so the next time I get Bangalore, hang up and try again.
So today I did--I just hung up on Glenn and redialed and got RUFUS in KANSAS CITY!
I've never been so happy in my whole damned life.
More websites
One thing for sale each day until the item is gone. The stuff's name brand and pretty cheap! Phones, coffee makes, caneras, stereos. It's liquidation stuff from a major electronics company.
Real silver, real gemstones. For FREE! You only pay shipping. I looked this up b/c I found it to be a litle suspicious and read that it's a major jewelry manufacturer that trying out new items and clearing overstocks on this site for free!
*It's pie. And chips. For free. But pie and chips? Ah, you can get them anywhere. Silver jewelry made from scratch...just for you.
Four real silver items for sale for a specified time (like 4 mins, 57 seconds). Then something new pops up.
Bored? This site is great. Instead of thinking up your own websites to peruse, S.U. does it for you. It's like internet roulette--you never know where it's going to end up.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
New favorite websites of mine
And, also, if you want 5798423 funny t-shirts (I think the last time I searched, it gave me 5429 pages to look at), try
For you new readers...
It makes for better reading, really. Of course, if you choose, you can avoid all the random sniping and miscellaneous commentary. Oh, and the semi-obscure movie references.
But why would you want to do that?
Pain relievers in a nutshell.**
- Aspirin: Originally derived from willow bark
- Acetaminophen (or paracetemol): Tylenol
- Ibuprofen: Advil, Motrin, etc
- Naproxen sodium: Aleve, Naprosyn
1) Most people are familiar with aspirin--it's been around forever. It's an a fever reducer, an anti-inflammatory* (reduces swelling) and an analgesic (relieves pain).
The Good: It's got a very long history of safety and, recently, it's made new fame as a useful blood thinner.
The Bad: It's been linked to Reye's Syndrome in children and teens, it can bug some people's stomachs (although coated, or enteric, aspirin seems to help), and then there's the blood thinning aspect. It can be a double edged sword.
2) Acetaminophen (called paracetemol across The Pond) has also been around a while. It's a fever reducer and analgesic--no anti-inflammatory action here.
The Good: Safe for kids, babies, pregnant/nursing women. Pretty much safe all around.
The Bad: A lot of people feel it isn't very effective. The biggest thing is that now there's speculation that at dosages over 4 extra strength caplets per day, serious liver damage can result. This is also seen when people take Tylenol during/after drinking alcohol.
3) Ibuprofen. This is the main reason I am writing this missive. Advil, Children's Advil/Motrin, Medipren, Motrin, Nuprin, Pediacare Fever etc. It's all the same drug. Motrin can't work better than Advil because Motrin IS ADVIL! It's all the same stuff!!!!!
Okay, so, ibuprofen is also an NSAID. It used to be restricted to kids over 12, but not anymore.
The Good: It's an NSAID.
The Bad: I'm not really aware of too much bad about it, other than its obvious drug-ness, although I have heard that people with asthma sometimes are bothered by ibuprofen,
4) Naproxen sodium was prescription-only for a long time (Naprosyn, Anaprox, Naprelan). Now, it's available over the counter as Aleve (the little blue ovals). Apparently you get to take fewer of them per day, but for me, Aleve never works. Really.
The Good: It's an NSAID
The Bad: Some of the same problems with the other NSAIDs, including increased stomach/bleeding issues.
The Miscellaneous
- Extra-Strength Excedrin and Excedrin Migraine are the exact same thing. 250 mg aspirin, 250 mg acetaminophen, and 65 mg caffeine. The Excedrin company got permission from the FDA to market the same drug in 2 different ways. Maybe the migraine version works better for you? It's probably psychosomatic, but as long as the headache goes away, who cares if it's psychomatic. (Just don't buy it b/c they say it's different--it's not)
- Vicodin is acetaminophen plus hydrocodone (a drug in the codeine family)
- Vicoprofen is prescription ibuprofen plus hydrocodone
- Percocet is a acetaminophen plus oxycodone (aka Oxycontin), which I found didn't really work all that well. Things still hurt, I just didn't care as much as I did 5 minutes ago. But, I digress.
- Percodan is aspirin plus oxycodone and so on and so forth. Just like artificial sweetners, there are a few main ones and then they start mixing them together to make new stuff.
There, pain relievers in a nutshell.
*These anti-inflammatorys are called NSAIDs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Meaning that they're not steroids (like prednisone), but they have some of the same reduces-swelling-and-inflammation properties.
NSAIDs block prostaglandins, which are the chemicals the body releases upon injury (among other times). NSAIDs are great for injuries, sore throats, sunburns, and all kinds of aches and pains. Not so good for pregnant or nursing mothers.
**No, this is pain relievers in a nutshell. "help, I'm i'm in a bloody great nutshell"
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- My mom got my dad a Global Warming* Mug for Xmas
- A Food Poisoning Christmas
- It's getting on time for the annual parking of the...
- Perhaps Fratalian?
- I went to an actual Work Holiday Party yesterday!
- Clorox bleach pen--good.
- Ask me how much it's going to cost to fix the shar...
- It looks like we're heading right for Wendy's!
- The Chicago Wolves and a Canadian who had never be...
- The BP carwash took a bite out of my car :(
- I heart city driving
- FedEx customer service: 12/06/2006
- I'm going to miss Mr. G
- Gimme an S...
- Downy fears me
- A bathroom question...
- Avoiding jet lag.
- Okay, so I emailed Downy.
- Wanna know what I wanna know?
- Hey Readers!
- Google fun, Part 54
- Big news on the China front!
- How to play Broom with your dog.
- And for my male readership...
- And another thing girls...
- For my female readership...
- Does anyone know whose earrings these are?
- The Princess Bride is on Bravo right now
- Did I ever mention how much I love surveys?
- Hey new readers!
- And another thing...
- For the first time in my whole life today,
- What is it with tights?
- Another thing to add to my Xmas list
- I might let New Phone sleep on the bed tonight.
- A guy I work with owns a Fatboy.
- No title
- In reflection,
- I just noticed that the Affy tapple I bought in th...
- Did I mention I have new friends?
- Why can't it be "10 finger, 10 toes, tact"?
- Tuesday October 31, 2006: A day of frustration.
- Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!
- J.L. of Wauconda has requested a baby update...
- Something that would not surprise Dave:
- E.L.O is my new boyfriend
- Guess where i am?
- No title
- Looky, l'm at Panera for lunch!
- York Theatre (Elmhurst, IL), Theatre Visit #2
- Woodstock Theatre (Woodstock, IL), Theatre Visit #1
- Embarking on a brand new quest: Classic Cinemas
- NewPhone is desparately trying to curry my favor...
- Kidnapping is bad.
- I heart this blog from anywhere stuff.
- Testing my cell phone blogging ability!--Mobile Em...
- Am I still having alignment issues?
- Ack! It works!
- I've recently learned that I can blog via email an...
- SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I'm going to marry Radio Shack and eBay too.
- NewPhone is here.
- Llama llamas taste like llama...
- More Google fun!
- NewPhone did, indeed, fall thru the cracks.
- Llama, llama, duck.
- Today is my 5th annivarsary!
- Cute pictures of animals!
- My new phone (should it ever show up)...
- Interesting image labeling game
- Movie Review: Jack*ss 2
- How do I hate thee, Motorola Razr, let me count th...
- White and Nerdy
- Did you know...
- VPL and I don't mean the Vancouver Public Library.
- I'm pleased to report that a Toyota 4Runner *can* ...
- A list of my favorite songs...
- So what do you think of the MySpace site?
- MySpace
- Oh Ca-NA-DI-a, our home and native land!
- Time flies
- China Update, Part 17
- I love fall :)
- Does anyone remember what Pirates of the Caribbean...
- Today is the first Sock Day of the 2006 fall season!
- Things that are much better than their similar or ...
- I just dropped a french fry...
- Uhh, why weren't we doing this already?
- White T-shirts are, what $12.99 for a 3-pack?
- Grammar Police: The fazes of the moon
- So Blogspot is moving to Google
- Single-handedly saving us from our grammar selves!
- Speaking of meat...
- I'm back from Florida
- A fistful of spoons
- Movie Review: Snakes on a Plane
- Great--*now* what's she going to serve us??!?!
- Really, 5 day headache.
- I love stuff like this!!!
- China Update: Part 97
- Is it even possible to have a headache for 5 days?
- Today I had to exercise the 3 Outfit Rule.
- What is it with people?
- Our niecey has hit the 8 pound mark!
- Mmmmm, lunch
- Message in a Bottle?
- So I mailed a big chunk of paperwork to the CW
- Movie Review: Pirates 2 (aka less knee slapping, m...
- Oh, I had so much fun on Saturday!
- China, part 73...
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