Friday, September 15, 2006

White T-shirts are, what $12.99 for a 3-pack?

So, exactly, then, what is the problem with those guys who wear their crisp white dress shirts with a 1035 Free Gas Friday shirt underneath?

A guy I work with here at HCY is about to go into an interview with one of our auditing bodies (ie, if we don't pass audits, we don't sell things). From the front: sedate, classic white dress shirt, dark pants. From the back? Free Gas Friday!

Dude, YOUR SHIRT IS WHITE! Do you think we can't see the FGF? This is the reason women don't wear red bras underneath white shirts! (Otherwise, that's all we'd ever wear, of course)

Seriously, if I were an employer and my employee didn't have enough sense not to wear a graphic-t under dress clothes, I'd wonder what else they didn't have enough sense for.

A certain BIL of mine knew a guy who showed up to a very important affair with his good shoes and suit. When he took off his jacket: Harley Davidson!

"...uh, yes sir, that's is true, i don't have the camouflage sense God gave newborn deer..."

Don't try the laundry excuse, either, because Meijer is open all night. I'm just not having it.

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