Monday, September 11, 2006

Speaking of meat...

...well if I wasn't, I was about to...

I am well aware that I like beef more well done than the average American. This is not to say I haven't found many other people (mostly women) who share my doneness preference, but I've acquiesed that my desire for "brown on the inside, maybe a little black on the outside" isn't the standard.

So, knowing this, when beef is served at a formal dinner, I am prepared for the inevitable Medium, instead of Medium Well or--even better--Well Done, that I truly hope for.

Which brings me to my point.

I've been to a few formal affairs over the past 6 months (including my recent trip to The Breakers) and every single event that has served beef, has served it Rare!!!!!!! Totally Rare!!Not sneaking up on Medium, but red, not-hot, and wiggly. Wiggly!!

Wiggly to the point where, when I go to surreptitiously cut off the more done parts, I am foiled by the shimmy-shimmy-shake-shake of my meat.* but that's another story

Yes, people do like Rare, but I daresay not most people. I know--beef takes a while to cook--but there's just no point to even serving, it if the majority of people are going to leave their little mooing scraps on their plates (and order room service when they get back to their rooms).

Big fancy hotels like the Breakers with at least half the dinners not eaten due to doneness problems. It's just a shame.


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