Monday, July 31, 2006

The latest on China, Part 72..

Let's see, what do we still need?

Dave has to make and go to a doctor's appointment
Dave has to pick up his doctor's paperwork
Dave has to call the sheriff to get background check for us
Dave has to submit his passport application
Dave has to get a bunch of paperwork notarized

I have to get the same bunch of paperwork notarized
I have to get my passport back from the government
I have to send a bunch of stuff to the CW

So, we get all the stuff to the CW, she finishes our home study, we send a whole pile of paperwork (including the home study) to the government and receive an I171H in return. We take the I171H, along with a bunch of paperwork that didn't go to the CW and bring it downtown to get it stamped, then take it to the Chinese consulate down the street to get it stamped again. Then the whole pile goes to China and we get a date (LID) in return.

Then we wait.

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