Thursday, September 14, 2006

Grammar Police: The fazes of the moon

Although it seems that everyone (except my readers, of course) disagrees--there is, in fact, a difference between the words faze and phase.

I KNOW, right? As a English-mangling public, we can hardly believe it...

Here it the difference:

"The moon has 4 phases: new, waxing, full, and waning."
"I don't know why Charlotte isn't sleeping, maybe it's a phase she's going through."**

"Women going topless at our honeymoon resort? It really didn't faze me"
"Charlotte was unfazed by her parents' efforts to get her to sleep at night"**

There, now we can all act superior-like when it comes to grammar. * we don't already... ;)

** Sleeping at night? See, that's just ridiculous...

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