Friday, December 15, 2006

I went to an actual Work Holiday Party yesterday!

It wasn't one of those downtown dress-up ones, but it was nice nonetheless! I was tempted to (and threatened to!) wear my red ballgown, but in the end, I just wore a plaid skirt*.

Which is good, because at the table of 9 I sat at, 5 people had on blue shirts and tan pants. I was holding up the holiday dressing along with 2 of my red-sweatered friends and 1 darkgreen shirted loner and it was no small task.

As I told the grinches, they apparently got the Bank Audit memo, instead of the Holuiday Party memo. And, actually, it was an "offsite team building", if anyone asks.

Everybody got presents too! Mine were tall, red, v-shaped, stemmed glasses. A coworker of mine got a set of 4 stemmed cordial glasses (high-class shot glasses, he said), from which we promptly drank our Guinnesses in the bar after lunch. Mmm, beer in tiny little glasses...

It was really fun :) Yay HCY!

*No, not just a skirt

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