Monday, July 14, 2008

All the rocket scientists are busy doing rocket scientry.

Me: having walked up to Lane 1 with cart. Lane 1 has little white light illuminated
Team Member: "Lane 2 is closed, you'll have to go over to Lane 1"
Me: looking up, "Okay"
Team Member: "Lane 2 is closed, there's no one signed in."
Me: "Okay, sounds good"
Team Member: "Ma'am! You need to take your purchases over to Lane 1! Lane 2 is closed! Or you can go to any of the other open lanes."
Me: "I think I'm in Lane 1 already."
Team Member: "Oh. Sorry, I mean Lane 1 is closed, Lane 2 is open."
Me: "But the light's not on. I'm really more comfortable in a lane that's got the light on"
Team Member: "Oh...kay." walks away

Well, I have to get it out of my system somehow. ;) There is a very select population of people who can take what I dish out in this world, and, really, only one who can take it full strength. I know I aggravated the situation. I couldn't help it! It was served to me on a silver platter and you never want to anger the comedy gods.

Sometimes it's safer for me to let my aggression bleed out in situations like this than to take it out on the Skittle Eaters at work. Plus it was kinda funny. You don't go to hell for hassling unsuspecting service industry workers, do you? ;)


Anonymous said...

Hmm.... I think skittle eater is somewhat harsh. But I can take it

Anonymous said...

OH! And the lead skittle-eater chimes in with a comment!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Geeeezee editing my speech?

Anonymous said...

Censorship sucks

Meredith said...

Absolute blog power corrupts absolutely ;)