Sunday, June 01, 2008

43 Things

I used to keep this list in my head, however, now, with the advent of the internet and all, I've moved it to this site called 43Things. What list, you say? Why, the list of random things I've always wanted to do. I suppose, for some, it might be finishing graduate school or teaching a child to read, but you know, I'm just not that noble. I just don't think anyone reading this would find that very interesting.

Yeah, and so, I guess I'd like to have solve world hunger on my list, but what was the first thing that popped into my head? Forklift certification.

No, my job doesn't require me to be forklift certified and I'm not looking for one that does, but do you know how much fun I think it would be to put on a short dress and some red heels and waltz into a bar, in, say, Cicero or Blue Island [<--insert Chicago accent here], and chat up some guys about warehouse stuff, you know? Mebbe talk about the Bears and what's hot at over at, over a nice Polish sausage?

Very very fun. Extra super fun. And dude, I would laugh all the way home!

So, my list, which currently numbers 5 things, is a little more eclectic (surprise, surprise.) I'm still adding, cause, I mean, I really hope there are more than 5 things I want to accomplish in this life.

My 43 Things

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