Thursday, July 06, 2006

SuperSuit, part deux

So I order another SuperSuit from Eddie Bauer. All the suits of the kind that caught my eye in the catalog are sold out in my size except for one. Supersuit, The Teenage Years, is a chocolate,v-necked 1-piece suit (no fauxkini this time). It's really pretty!

So I tried it on--it wasn't as bad as Suit 1, but still, it didn't give in easily. Oddly, it seemed that this suit was designed with superspandex in the front and normal suit fabric in the back. It felt like I was being pulled forward by some (evil) imaginary force

I was happy enough with the suck-factor--I could breathe and, again, underwires rock. A little odd was the fact that I could see about an inch of the black underwire part behind the brown v-neck part, but, I figured if all else was well thatI could stitch that together.

Then I turned around to find that the suit had been missing some pieces when it arrived. Tent stakes.

Back to the drawing board. Swimsuit companies--where is the love?

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