Friday, February 24, 2006

Let me explain….no, there is too much...let me sum up.

Background Part 1:

David and I got married 10/6/2001 and it’s now been 4 years (4 years, 3 months, and 2 days, actually) since we began waiting for kids to automagically arrive. In that time, we’ve gone through a year of waiting, then a couple rounds of Clomid (a pill), 2 IUIs (injections), and 3 IVFs (you really don’t want to know;).

None of this worked (I’ve got stubborn eggs, it seems), with the exception of an early miscarriage with IVF #2. (IVF 1 was in April 04, IVF 2 in August 04, and IVF 3 in December 04).

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