Friday, June 08, 2007

Based on my counter, I suspect I have


Welcome new readers!

Let's see, what should you know? Um...I use random acronyms a lot (like HCY* and BIL*). I also am having an early to mid 30s love affair with the asterisk. Many of my posts are tagged--just click the tags at the bottom to see related posts. (Well, at least posts I feel are related).

Additionally, things like snarky comments, stories about the free tampons that HCY bizarrely provides as a perk, or posts that contain trivia point giveaways will occasionally require the use of your secret decoder mouse.

What's a secret decoder mouse? Oh just fool around a little, you'll figure it out.

I've also got a myspace, you know, like the rest of the Starbucks (Tim Hortons?)-drinking world.

*Healthcare Company Y, where I currently work. As opposed to Healthcare Company X, where I spent the first 10 years of my working life.
*Brother-in-Law. Of which I onyl have 2. One of which feeds me most of my good Google crap.

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