Wednesday, April 19, 2006

L is for sheep

I work with a girl who is from Northern Ireland and she told me the cutest story.

She was nannying for an American family and was reading a kids' book with the 3 year old girl of the house. It was one of those A is for apple books, so they were reading, "A is for apple, B is for boy, C is for cat", et cetera.

When they got to L, the little girl said, "L is for sheep". My friend said, "No, L is for lahmb. Lahmbs are baby sheep.". (Being that's she's Irish, her "Ay"s sound like "Ah"s).

Oh!, the little girl said, "L is for lahmb". "No, you're American", my friend told her, "you say L is for lamb". (with the Midwestern "A" and everything.)

So, they started reading again. A is for apple, B is for boy. And when the little girl got to L, she said "L is for lahmb". My friend said that the little girl never did start saying lamb--always lahmb.

So, this Easter, what my friend wanted to know from everyone was whether we had lahmb or hahm for Easter dinner. :)

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