Thursday, March 09, 2006

Sorry for the hiatus!

Healthcare Company Y has given me some more interesting work to do (yay!) and I've been training and on the phone all days. Basically I call nurses, and sometimes patients, to make sure that problems they've had with our stuff haven't caused anything more serious. Unfortunately, sometimes they do--I got one of those today--peritonitis, yuck.

Let's see, what's new? We met with CW2--Laura S--on Tuesday in Rockford. The meeting was all right--mostly a lot of paper exchanging. She was pretty nice, but I can live a long happy life as soon as they stop wanting to talk about the infertility.

Seriously, if I were adopting b/c I was "called" to, would we spend so much time talking about my uterus? I think not.

Anyway--we have so much paperwork to do!!!!!!!!! I can hardly believe it! So, it's going to be a matter of filling that out this weekend (still gotta get those passports...)

I will soon find out whether I will get a niece or nephew in July! I don't know what kind it is right now, but based on the cheeryness of Meg's email, I suspect it's a girl. They didn't really care boy or girl, but girls' clothes are all way cuter. You can't argue with me on that. No, really, I'm not listening

My prediction was boy, so we'll soon see....

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