Thursday, March 30, 2006

So I hate her less than I used to...

And. AND! We didn't have to talk about my ute at all! I'm thrilled! It was just the same type of questions as they asked at our pre-Cana classes (pre-wedding, for those either unmarried or unCatholic).

Do you talk/agree about discipline and finances, how do you resolve arguments, etc. She and I also talked about my fears about how the baby will feel when she's all grown up and the only Asian or 2 in a white family. So on and so forth.

So, yeah, I hate her less! She seemed more relaxed this time, although she said that last time, I seemed so...........serious. I had kind of had a bad day that day, so maybe I can float her that one.

So, now we've got 1 more official meeting with her--at our house. And also a bunch of paperwork, testing of well water, vaccinating of cats, vaccinating of us, filling out of medical records, filling out of financial records, signing of agreement forms, receiving of governmental paperwork, printing of fingers (one last time), and--of course--those passports. (Must get around to those passports).

I asked the CW when she envisioned us having our dossier (the collection of paperwork and all by which China assigns you a baby) ready and she said May would be pushing it--probably June. Unfortunately, the time to wait is getting longer and longer :(

When we personally are done with our dossier, that when we are authenticated. The date the dossier goes over to China is call the DTC date (dossier to China--terribly original, yes). After it's all been translated and sent to the CCCA (the adoption people), that's the LID date (log in date). When they send you baby's name and picture to you is when you get your referral.

Right now, the time between LID and referral is running about 12 months. Could get shorter, but it could get longer too.

Short-er, short-er!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog Mere! and keeping up with what's going on. I'm glad you're liking your contact better :).