Monday, March 13, 2006

And now for the dark side of baby shopping...

Wanna know how I, and a kind pair of nursemaids, spent Sat afternoon after baby shopping? Cleaning the car. Cleaning what, you say?. Oh, you know, barf, which is apparently becoming one of my most revisited topics.

Poor, poor new car :( And not even mine, to boot.

In my defense, I had not contributed to my throwing up-ness in any way. I had a headache after baby-shopping, and by the time we got to Baker's Square, it was really bad. Like, throw-up-at-Baker's-Square bad. I-really-could-only-drink-iced-tea bad.


I really thought I was going to be okay, even though it was a long drive home, but alas, the Citgo was my Waterloo.

The iced tea (you know, and a few shreds of lettuce...maybe some toast?), was a mixed blessing, though. Pretty easy to clean up, as far as barf goes.

The bad part? You know what happens when you put your thumb over the end of a hose?

So do I...

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