Wednesday, March 29, 2006

So today is our 2nd encounter with the social worker

She has no sense of humor. Really. And I also don't think she's as smart as I am. A tall order to fill, I know! (just kidding!) *no I'm not ;)


(Information you need for this story: my dad has 2 cousins who speak Chinese)

...the last time we saw her, as we were walking out the door, I was just making conversation and mentioned that once we get the baby home, I'm going to have to call my dad's cousin and have him tell me how to say "Please Go To Sleep!" in Chinese.

She looks at me and says (deadpanly), "When they come home sometimes they need time to adjust".

So I was like, "Oh yeah, I know, it just might be easier to know how to say it in Chinese for those nights when she thinks she might just not sleep." (Cause I'm just making conversation, remember?)

So she says, sans personality again, "Their English develops quickly. At 9 months old, they don't know Chinese."

Kiss my *ss. If I had been listening to Chinese for 9 months, I would have retained something. She must have learned that factoid in her infant and child oral lanugage development class in social worker school.

Oh wait, no she didn't. She's just making sh*t up.

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