Thursday, July 05, 2007

S.O.T.D. for 7/5/07

Every morning of my life, I wake up with a song in my head. Sometimes it's the same song for a couple days, sometimes I have no idea where it came from. DB used to ask me what my soundtrack was each day.

I really don't know what my subconscious mind is doing while I'm sleeping...(!)

Todays' song is: Country Grammer [sic] by Nelly. Specifically--> "I drive fastly, call me Jeff Gord-on...In the black SS with the naviga-tion".

Except it's "blue" SS in my head, as a coworker of mine drives a blue one. subCONscious...strolling down the AV-en-ue...

Sucky audio version-->


Unknown said...

thanks a lot now I will be singing that song

Meredith said...

You're welcome! I think if I have to suffer, everyone should suffer!!. Although, I'd rather be singing Nelly than today's song. Booooo.