Sunday, July 01, 2007

Movie Review: Ratatouille

I should start off by saying that I am not really a cartoon movie fan. I like the idea of cartoons--I like the live action versions like Fantastic 4 and The X Men (Hugh Jackmann as Wolverine, mrrrrrrrrow).

I also really like a lot of Pixar's previous efforts like the ones with the toys, the one with the monsters, the one with the fish, and the one with the superhero family. These have humor for the kids, but also a whole layer of humor for the adults, which I like.

Ratatouille, however--and although it's Pixar--is more your straight-forward cartoon movie. It's got Pixar's fantastic abilities, but not as much tongue-in-cheek humor as I had hoped for.

DB, however, loved it. He clapped. In the movie theater. Alone...

Anyway, on to the review!

Cute Persons to look at (0-5): 1. They're cartoons? [shrug] The characters are cute, but not in the way this review section really intends. The chick chef, though, I think caught DB's eye. If she were real, she'd probably go on his "List".

Right up there with Lisa Loeb, Belinda Carlisle, and Pink. My dh--he's an a la carte sort of celebrity chick watcher, he is.

A Satisfying Ending (0-5): 5. "Good" guys win, "bad" guys lose. "People" fall in love. All is well. My favorite kind of ending :)

Action/ adventureness (0-5): 4. All CG, but really, really good. Honestly, the whole movie was full of great action (see Cinematography)

Love storyness (0-5): 3. Even though they're cartoons and the making-out leaves something to be desired, I gues you're still happy when they get together ;)

Good Scaryness (0-5): 0 No scaryness.

Kissing (0-5): 1. There was one cartoon kissing scene, and honestly, it was between the 2 character I hoped would hook up (sorry Dave, looks like your chef girlfriend is off the market), so you almost wanted to cheer.

Dave even elbowed me to point out, "see making-out! you love making-out scenes!" Which is true--what's the point of a movie not having a making out scene? Movies about submarines have making out scenes. Even the Terminator had making out scenes!

(Dear Hollywood, making out = very important. To appease the gentlemen we may be watching the movie with, maybe blow something up, make-out, then parachute off a cliff. After that? More making-out.)

Cinematography/Special Effects (1-5): 5. FABULOUS! Incredibly realistically and amazing at some points--you couldn't believe that all the textures and stuff were all CG! The little cartoon short at the beginning was great too (up until the alien cried--[poor baby!])

Extra Credit (Max. 10 points): Nothing comes to mind?

Total: 19/35. If you generally like cartoons and specifically like Pixar--GO SEE IT! You'll love it. If you don't generally like cartoons, but like Pixar--go see it, it's worth watching. If you like neither cartoons or Pixar--stop reading.

Seriously. Why are you reading movie reviews about things you hate? You should be ashamed of yourself. I mean, I do like to have a good readership, but not ones who are in denial! Not ones who haven't yet embraced themselves! How is that good for my reader portfolio? Here's a bunch of unsure people.... NO!

It's a brand new world here at mairzydoats! We have a charter! You don't have to do anything you don't want to do! You read what you want to! There's nobody following you around--checking up on you! trying to figure out what you next move is! No! Here, you are free to do as you please!!

Although...I do have a counter that tells me how many people have visited on each day, so I can kind of get an idea of the topics you find more---or less---entertaining. Now if I could only get my spycam working...

1 comment:

Milan Davidović said...

No scariness? Me, I pretty much stopped breathing when:

- Remy and Emile were getting shot at.
- Remy was trying to escape from the kitchen.

I'd give it extra points for:
- the soundtrack
- the great shots of Paris

But as much as I like the film as it is, I'd also like to see a version where the rats are portrayed (and behave) more like real rats, and less like "Disney" rats. Less suitable for the kiddies, but more substance and perhaps even a wider audience.