So, Dean (of WGN's "Dean's List") gave this movie a D-. I was really disappointed, since the commercials had me wanting to see it. Well, this weekend, we threw caution to the wind and went to see it with the S and L of Johnsburg. If I didn't feel this way before, I certainly feel this way now: I just don't usually agree with the movie reviewers.
Is it going to win an Oscar?. No, it's a movie about a night guard at a museum where things come to life at night. This is not On Golden Pond. But--it was funny and I liked it.
Cute Persons to look at (0-5): 3. Depends on your preferences. I've always though Ben Stiller was cute and shapely, so I though there was at least a decent cute person to look at. Plus, the girl who plays the museum docent was pretty cute too, in a scholarly way, so there might be a little something for the guys as well. For the older crowd? Dick Van Dyke is in it, and the scenes that run during the credits show that ole' Dick's still got it. Give him a Cockney accent and it could have been Mary Poppins all over again!
As an aside, Ben Stiller is one of the best runners I've seen in any movie. You know how some people look like newborn giraffes when they run? Not Ben. In fact, I was sitting there wondering when they'd make him run somewhere (as they do in every movie he's in--just watch the next time you see one*), when off he went, across the museum! He's really, really fast (and cute)!
A Satisfying Ending (0-5): 5. I love movies with good endings! Without giving too much away, regarding: the girl, the boy, the kid, the evil-doers, the animals, Teddy Roosevelt, and Attila the Hun; it was very satisfying. I walked out smiling and that's my favorite kind of movie!
Action/ adventureness (0-5): 3. It's no Terminator, but yeah, there was a lot of running around and action and crazy antics. Thoroughly enjoyable! I even liked Owen Wilson, whom I usually think is a bit of a manwhore.
We liked it; the kids behind us (when they weren't stage-whispering, "no, mom, the popcorn!!!") liked it; the kid who did a triple-lindy off the bottom step of the mezzanine, spilling all his popcorn in a somewhat amazing arc, but never dropping the container or his self-possession? He liked it too.
Love storyness (0-5): 1. There was a little bit of flirtation, but not much of a love story. That's okay, it didn't take away from the enjoyment.
Good Scaryness (0-5, optional): NA. It wasn't really intended to be scary. Unless you've got a Hun thing.
Kissing (1-5): 0. There's not any kissing that I recall. I always think kissing makes a movie better, but in this one, it's okay. I can live without it. I think.
Cinematography/Special effects (0-5): 4. They were pretty good. Probably the stars of the movie, honestly, but that doesn't mean the rest of the movie suffered. Not like "Wow, technology is truly amazing"-good, but more like "Man, their writers really had some good ideas--good thing the CG people could come through"-good.
Laughs (1-5): 4. I laughed a lot. Good, clean, kids-and-adults-would-both-think-it's-funny-although-maybe-in-different-parts, enjoyable laughter. I do think that adults would think it's funnier than kids would (we laughed more than the kids behind us), but I don't think the kids would even know they're not laughing at all the funny parts, so they'd never be the wiser. And that's fine.
Extra Credit (10 points): 8. I can't give away what I thought was the best part, but if you've ever had a dog that fetches, you'll laugh a lot. :)
Total: 28/30.
*You know how Neve Campbell always has her mouth open? Kind of like that. You just wait for it to happen, cause you know it's coming...
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